Donating to CCUSA
Scottish clan societies have important roles in preserving Scottish-American heritage: not just for today, but for future generations. Around the world, Carmichaels have contributed significantly to their communities and history, and those stories can be lost without careful preservation and celebration.
Your donated funds support Clan Carmichael's main charitable activity: our scholarship fund, which supports studies or research at accredited four-year universities. Preference is given for curriculums related to Scottish heritage and culture. Click to visit the scholarship page to learn more.
Donations may also support the preservation of Carmichael stories, records, buildings, and historical sites in the United States and Scotland. All members in good standing are encouraged to work with the Board of Directors to identify sites or stories in need of preservation support. We also encourage you to consider supporting CCUSA's work through donating your time, money, or resources. Every little bit counts, and is appreciated!
Donations support the current, ongoing work of the Carmichael Clan USA organization: keeping members connected, facilitating the work of the board of directors, maintaining historical documents and the website, and keeping live, useful social media and online platforms to help new clan members identify their place in our big, global family.
Your donation is tax deductible: Clan Carmichael USA is a 501(c)3 non-profit with the Internal Revenue Service. If you have any questions, please contact leadership@clancarmichaelusa.com
Click the button below to donate through Paypal. Checks may be mailed to CCUSA--please contact leadership@clancarmichaelusa.com to ask for the treasurer's address.